2019 Conference Recap


The 2019 Doctrine and Devotion Conference on Biblical Theology was, like every year, an amazing experience. Of course there was great teaching, and you know we set you up with great SWAG. But people came from over 30 states to gather together for something more than just another conference. Our returning attenders know that the Doctrine and Devotion Conference is really about fellowship.

To highlight how the conference went we thought we’d share just a couple of the responses we received from those who attended.

One brother wrote and said,

First off, thank you for an amazing weekend! You guys have really raised the stakes on yourselves. Last year’s conference was good, this year’s was incredible!

Jus thought I would share a brief word over what the Holy Spirit did in my life over the course of Friday and Saturday. I came into the conference just drained, depleted and very depressed. 2019 has been a very difficult year so far. I admit and confess that in regards to church I had become very jaded and cynical. In my weakened state I began to entertain doubt and skepticism, specifically about the motivations of my church leaders, even delving into deconstructionism. I began to wonder what true faith even looked like.

Over the course of your conference, I was reminded of what true faith looks like, convicted of the many sins which were keeping me from God, experienced a release from my doubt and depression and felt a joy that I have not had in a long time. The main catalyst was the clear teaching of the life giving word of God, the hospitality and fellowship from other believers and the many examples of what true faith looks like from the spiritual brothers and sisters who took the stage.

So thank you for your ministry and the hard labor of preparing and executing this weekend. It truly made a difference in my life.

To God alone be the glory.


Another brother wound up coming across the country all on his own. Here are just some of this thoughts.

I attended the Doctrine and Devotion conference from Miami, Florida for the first time. Three of my good friends were supposed to attend the conference with me, but at the last minute, they had other obligations they had to tend to. I was determined to attend the conference, though and through stretching some financial means was able to. The Lord was definitely gracious and kind in allowing me to attend. I am writing to say THANK YOU.

I was baffled and completely enamored with the way God spoke through you guys and every conference speaker by the means of his word. I am a student pastor at my local church, hoping to attend seminary sometime within the next year and a half. I was raised in Pentecostalism and was taught a lot of false doctrine, including a lot of prosperity Gospel teaching; although I love, respect and treasure many of the believers at my church who have bold faith and love for Christ, I was fortunate to have two good friend of mine… introduce me to the reformed faith and the podcast a few years ago.

…the Doctrine and Devotion conference was an incredible time of rejuvenation for me. I feel all the more inspired to mine into the treasure that is God's word and proclaim its truth. I sat amazed at how the word came alive during the conference. I learned new things about the Bible, about myself and about my walk with the Lord.

Perhaps most incredible was the fellowship and unity that permeated the gathering. I had just met several people that weekend and had been invited to lunch by some kind souls; people I had just met were willing to exchange their stories with me, confess their sin and show great kindness and Christian love to me. I was excited to be a part of the rich fellowship of the family of God. The humility of confession and the bold testimonies of God's saving grace and delivering power strengthened my faith. Joe, your sister Michelle was especially instrumental in making my weekend all the more awesome. She was full of warmth, grace and joy! We spent a great deal of time chatting throughout the weekend and I am completely blessed to have befriended her. She showed me your baby picture! Krista was also incredibly warm and welcoming. She was of great help in my time of need, and her kindness and concern for me was a wonderful portrait of God's grace and love. Registration was fast, the snacks were great, and the book store was icing on top of it all! I almost had no space in my luggage to fit them all. I also can't believe I got to meet Barnabas Piper! Just a few days before the conference my mom and I were talking about his awesome book for Pastor's kids. And his dad is one of my favorite preachers. I left the conference FULL.


We are so grateful for all who registered, this conference is for you. Big thanks to all the people working behind the scenes like Pastor Brian Malcolm, Krista McDunn, and Adam Dalton, as well as all our volunteers who made the conference such a success. Of course we praise God for Dr. James Hamilton, Doug Logan, Steve McCoy, Jen Thorn, Phil and Jasmine Holmes, and the great Nick Batzig for speaking to us all and building us up in the faith. Thank you, Brad Nelson, for shooting the conference and getting such great photos of what went down! And Thank you to our sponsors and vendors who made it possible. You all, together, made this conference the best conference of 2019!

We are working to get the audio up from the conference. So stay tuned!