2020 Conference Recap


It’s been a crazy year. Almost every conference we know of has been cancelled and we weren’t sure we’d be able to pull off another “best conference of the year.” But God was kind and allowed us to gather and focus on Covenant Theology with Dr. Sam Renihan.

Our friends at Faith Lutheran Church were kind enough to host the conference, and our amazing volunteers made sure that the event was fun and flawless. We had an awesome outdoor meetup after our Friday evening sessions with delicious BBQ provided by Dave’s Slow Food.

On Saturday Jimmy preached on The Covenant of Works, Joe covered The Noahic Covenant, and Sam walked us through The Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic, and New Covenants. The Q&A and live recording of the Doctrine and Devotion podcast was fun and encouraging. You can check out the audio and some photos from the event here.

And be sure to pick up Dr. Sam’s book, The Mystery of Christ, His Covenant, and His Kingdom.

Joe Thorn2020 Conference Recap